Tag Archives: peter pan

Big Bang Theory Quote of the Week

Geeks of the World. Geeks United. Geek Gangs. And any other organization that involves the word “Geek”. I give you the ultimate insults to give to your fellow men. Such men as geologists: the only people who are glad when others take their work for granite. Bah-dum-cha!

Or alternatively, you could try the steroid-addicted Kurts of the world. Just one word of warning: if you’re going to wear a Doppler Effect costume to a party, make sure you tell everybody you’re a zebra! Enjoy.

Leonard: That’s Penny’s ex-boyfriend.

Sheldon: What do you suppose he’s doing here? Besides disrupting the local gravity field.

Leonard: If he were any bigger, he’d have moons orbiting him.

Sheldon: Oh, snap!


Penny: Oh, hey guys. You having a good time?

Sheldon: Given the reaction to my costume, this party is a scathing indictment of the American education system.

Kurt: What, you’re a zebra, right?

Sheldon: Yet another child left behind.

Even later…

Leonard: Okay, I understand your impulse to try to physically intimidate me. I mean, you can’t compete with me on an intellectual level and so you’re driven to animalistic puffery.

Kurt: Are you calling me a puffy animal?

Penny: Of course not, no, he’s not, you’re not, right Leonard?

Leonard: No, I said animalistic. Of course we’re all animals, but some of us have climbed a little higher on the evolutionary tree.

Sheldon: If he understands that, you’re in trouble.

Kurt: So what, I’m unevolved?

Sheldon: You’re in trouble.

Even more later…

Leonard: I’m not a dwarf, I’m a Hobbit. A Hobbit. Are misfiring neurons in your hippocampus preventing the conversion from short-term to long-term memory?

Kurt: Okay, now you’re starting to make me mad.

Leonard: A homo-habilus discovering his opposable thumbs says what?

Kurt: What?

Leonard: I think I’ve made my point.

Kurt: Yeah, how about I make a point out of your pointy little head.

Sheldon: Let me remind you, while my moral support is absolute, in a physical confrontation I will be less than useless.

Leonard: There’s not going to be a confrontation, in fact I doubt if he can even spell confrontation.

Kurt(physically lifting Leonard from the ground): C – O – N… frontation!

One last tip: if somebody comes to a party wearing a green outfit and pointed hat with a red feather, don’t assume that they’re Peter Pan, cos he’s not the only person who wears a green costume…

Live long and prosper! 😀

Good News Everyone!

I have just managed to finish my Big Bang Theory script!

Turns out that I might have got a bit carried away when I wrote it, cos when I acted it out, it was in fact about episode length, and on MS Word it was about 14 pages long.

There are many moments in the script that I am proud of, and I am very happy of the result. Considering I wrote this by myself (with some help from other people), I don’t have a very good scientific knowledge, and writing jokes that are actually funny is pretty tough work, I think that I was successful in this bold challenge.

I know that reading a transcript is not as good as actually watching it being acted out, but I think Sheldon would say here that it’s in fact better, for when we read a transcript, we are using the most powerful graphics chip known to man: imagination! And he’s right, for I’m sure our imaginations have come up with some pretty unsettling images of Howard’s mother that not even state-of-the-art graphics chips or top quality Hollywood make-up can compete with, let alone create successfully!

To read the episode transcript, click on the Page Box above entitled “The Dumbass Conjecture” and enjoy!

Live long and prosper! 😀

Pearls From Plasticine and a Pen

Here is where things come to life... never really knowing what can come from a pen or some plasticine but I hope it creates feeling!

Not Bad (But to Understand)

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The Perks of Being a Starving Writer

Make yourself at home. Can I make you anything? Some Shreddies?