Tag Archives: leonard’s mother

Penny? Penny? Penny?

Poor Penny. Everything she’s been through, she deserves somebody far better than a geek who accidentally shoots himself in the foot at a shooting range (although I do like Leonard; he’s my second favourite character, Raj being first and Stuart being third).

From first impressions, she was nothing more than a lovely blonde Nebraskan with a peculiar taste of either stupid or ludricously muscular boyfriends, but also a good taste in Lily Allen (when we first see Penny in her apartment, she’s listening to Smile by Lily Allen). But then she let Sheldon get into her life, and from then on things would never be the same again.

He tidied up her ransacked apartment. He drove her mad every time he went into her car and said, “Your check engine light is on.” He showed Penny just how intolerable he can be when he’s sick. And that was just in Season One.

But these were all just short term. Thanks to the geeks, Penny was also affected long term: she was introduced to Howard; her ability to tolerate stupid boyfriends was destroyed by going out with Leonard; and she became a GEEK (she used the Star Trek term “raise the shields” in a non-geeky conversation with another woman, quoted Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back, and joined in with Sheldon when he talked of how Captain Kirk cheated in his fight against the Kobayashi Maru by reprogramming it (had to look it up on http://bigbangtrans.wordpress.com to find the name. I kinda cheated here as well, I guess).

On the other hand, the geeks didn’t really affect her life too badly. (The one person who DID do that was Leonard’s mother. Good thing she got her revenge on her by teaching her how to drink, which led to that unforgettable kiss…) They say that spending your life doing the same dull thing over and over again is not a good idea. Penny was doing just that before the geeks along. Then she suddenly found herself doing the most peculiar of activities: dating “The King of Nerds” three times (four if you include when Leonard got concussion while taking Penny out for a meal); becoming “Bessie” to the princess of nerds (complete with tiara), who suffers from night terrors, travel constipation, dry scalp, and a terrible choice in boyfriends; and giggling hysterically as she listens to Sheldon scream at Leonard, “No, you don’t screw the roommate agreement; the roommate agreement screws YOU!”

A post as useless as E4’s Useless Fact, I know it is. But there you go. This is just stuff. Good word: stuff.

Live long and prosper! 😀

Big Bang Theory Quiz!

I’ve made it a bit harder this time…

  1. While on a driving simulator, name a place Sheldon ends up by accident.
  2. In the same episode, what’s the name of the road both Howard and Penny take Sheldon down, much to his discomfort, because of the speed bumps?
  3. What comic character does Leonard compare Sheldon to when Sheldon practices his smile, just before entering Raj’s office?
  4. During his first ‘date’ with Penny, what does Leonard drop under the table after using it to display centripetal force, causing him to bash his head under the table?
  5. Why does Penny’s new red armchair end up on the street in a Season 5 episode?
  6. In the same episode, who discovers the armchair and carries it into the flat, unaware of the reasons as to why it was there?
  7. What does Sheldon suggest Priya does during her one day in California, during the “go north…you are in a forest” episode?
  8. What evidence does Sheldon give Amy, showing that he’s good at biology?
  9. What Biblical character does Sheldon compare Leonard to after he rebels against Sheldon’s roommate agreement?
  10. What mathematical number can you link a ball pit to via The Big Bang Theory?
  11. What does Bernadette hope her parents mistake the Klingon on the back of her wedding invitations for?
  12. What instrument does Sheldon sometimes use in a cinema to find the ‘acoustic sweet spot’ (apart from his voice)?
  13. And what instrument does Sheldon play to interfere with the creation of Leonard’s differential equation solver app?
  14. What should Sheldon never do walking down the stairs?
  15. And in that same episode, when Penny shouts “I don’t care if Richard Feynman was a purple leprechaun,” what does she forget to use?
  16. What does SHELDON stand for?
  17. What new policy does Penny introduce on the spot at the Cheesecake Factory, preventing Sheldon from getting his meal?
  18. When trying to find a grasshopper, what happens to Sheldon when he goes down the elevator shaft?
  19. What liquid is responsible for the destruction of the elevator?
  20. What two events do the gang add lasers to when performing them?
  21. What do the cleaning ladies find one night on a table in the university cafeteria?
  22. What historical inconsistency did Sheldon show Leonard on a photo in the car while he’s a ‘robot’?
  23. How does Sheldon order his cereals?
  24. What temporal anomaly does Star Trek Sheldon discover at the Renaissance Fair?
  25. When we first see Leonard’s mother, what is she looking at?

Same as before: comment your answers, I’ll tell you your score, then I’ll post the answers ASAP. Please don’t cheat. Just delve through your brain, and you’ll find the answers. Live long and prosper! 😀

NEW Big Bang Theory Quiz!

As the long-awaited summer holidays approach, I think now is a good time to re-introduce the Big Bang Theory Quiz! You know the drill (hopefully): comment on what you think the answers to these 25 questions are (WITHOUT CHEATING…or using ‘alternative methods’), then I’ll comment back to you with your percentage, and sometime next weekend I’ll post the answers. If you believe I’ve made a mistake, or I’ve missed out an answer, do not hesitate to tell me. So anyway here it is: a NEW Big Bang Theory Quiz!

  1. Name two people Howard can imitate.
  2. Who does Sheldon relate to as ‘Princess Panchali’ while she dates Raj?
  3. What alcoholic drink does Penny like not just because of the flavour, but because she likes saying the word?
  4. In what film did Jim Parsons (Sheldon) appear as a human puppet?
  5. When Leonard, Raj and Howard get the munchies in the desert, what does Raj use to eat his pudding? (Hint: “Sweety and meaty at the same time!”)
  6. In that same episode, what does Leonard say is the best name?
  7. What scientific group does Sheldon name his cats after (apart from one)?
  8. In Season 1, Sheldon faces competition in the form of a 15 year old Asian boy called…?
  9. When Sheldon takes part in Howard’s card trick, what card does he pick up?
  10. How does Howard stop Raj from succeeding in chatting up Summer Glau on the train?
  11. When Howard and Raj first appear in the Big Bang Theory pilot episode, what do they bring with them?
  12. What Greek takeaway food did Sheldon think tasted of sweat?
  13. Who teaches Leonard’s mother how to drink, when Leonard’s mother visits Leonard unexpectedly for the second time?
  14. How was Sheldon humiliated on a national radio interview?
  15. Who wins the basketball tournament that determines who gets an ex-physicist’s office?
  16. What does Amy give Penny as a GINORMOUS thank you for their friendship together?
  17. When Sheldon goes on his dream date with Amy, what music plays in the background, and what food does she give Sheldon?
  18. In the same episode, at the end, Leonard walks in on Amy and Sheldon doing what?
  19. During what do Leslie Winkle and Howard first kiss each other?
  20. After Leslie dumps Howard, where does Sheldon propose Leonard, Raj and Howard go to?
  21. And what happens to Sheldon in the same episode, while the others are in [the answer to Q.20]?
  22. What does Leslie use to heat up a cup of soup?
  23. What does Leslie use instead of a knife to cut up a banana for her cereal?
  24. Which does Leslie believe in: loop quantum gravity or string theory?
  25. What is Leslie’s nickname for Sheldon?

Good luck, and live long and prosper! 😀

Pearls From Plasticine and a Pen

Here is where things come to life... never really knowing what can come from a pen or some plasticine but I hope it creates feeling!

Not Bad (But to Understand)

songs for the lost

The Perks of Being a Starving Writer

Make yourself at home. Can I make you anything? Some Shreddies?