Tag Archives: e4 useless fact

Penny? Penny? Penny?

Poor Penny. Everything she’s been through, she deserves somebody far better than a geek who accidentally shoots himself in the foot at a shooting range (although I do like Leonard; he’s my second favourite character, Raj being first and Stuart being third).

From first impressions, she was nothing more than a lovely blonde Nebraskan with a peculiar taste of either stupid or ludricously muscular boyfriends, but also a good taste in Lily Allen (when we first see Penny in her apartment, she’s listening to Smile by Lily Allen). But then she let Sheldon get into her life, and from then on things would never be the same again.

He tidied up her ransacked apartment. He drove her mad every time he went into her car and said, “Your check engine light is on.” He showed Penny just how intolerable he can be when he’s sick. And that was just in Season One.

But these were all just short term. Thanks to the geeks, Penny was also affected long term: she was introduced to Howard; her ability to tolerate stupid boyfriends was destroyed by going out with Leonard; and she became a GEEK (she used the Star Trek term “raise the shields” in a non-geeky conversation with another woman, quoted Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back, and joined in with Sheldon when he talked of how Captain Kirk cheated in his fight against the Kobayashi Maru by reprogramming it (had to look it up on http://bigbangtrans.wordpress.com to find the name. I kinda cheated here as well, I guess).

On the other hand, the geeks didn’t really affect her life too badly. (The one person who DID do that was Leonard’s mother. Good thing she got her revenge on her by teaching her how to drink, which led to that unforgettable kiss…) They say that spending your life doing the same dull thing over and over again is not a good idea. Penny was doing just that before the geeks along. Then she suddenly found herself doing the most peculiar of activities: dating “The King of Nerds” three times (four if you include when Leonard got concussion while taking Penny out for a meal); becoming “Bessie” to the princess of nerds (complete with tiara), who suffers from night terrors, travel constipation, dry scalp, and a terrible choice in boyfriends; and giggling hysterically as she listens to Sheldon scream at Leonard, “No, you don’t screw the roommate agreement; the roommate agreement screws YOU!”

A post as useless as E4’s Useless Fact, I know it is. But there you go. This is just stuff. Good word: stuff.

Live long and prosper! 😀

Pearls From Plasticine and a Pen

Here is where things come to life... never really knowing what can come from a pen or some plasticine but I hope it creates feeling!

Not Bad (But to Understand)

songs for the lost

The Perks of Being a Starving Writer

Make yourself at home. Can I make you anything? Some Shreddies?